Money Mindset
Why Are Rich People Rich
& Poor People Poor?
Ten percent luck, ninety percent mindset.
What is a normal mindset about money?
You probably feel your family’s money mindset is typical, average. What is the money mindset of the people around you? It is similar to yours, of course. Everyone has the same mindset, right? You are normal – at least that is what you think.
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The fact is there is no normal.
Our relationship with money, the way we think about money and opportunity and saving and earning and working and investing – the way we create wealth – is governed by our Money Mindset, a mindset created and developed by our life experience, our choices, and ultimately our training.
What is your Money Mindset?
Is your Money Mindset good or bad, positive or negative, constructive or destructive, effective or ineffective, open or closed unlimited or limiting?
Do you have financial goals or are you just settling for what comes your way?

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The objective of this article and my book “Monetize your Mindset” is to create alter, enhance, and advance, your mindset into a constructive, positive, profitable monetized mindset – i.e., a good money mindset.
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A Monetized Mindset is the End Result of an Improved Money Mindset.
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I like music… No, I love music. I always have.
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If you did not grow up with my dad, or someone like him, you likely don’t have a monetized mindset. If that’s true, it’s okay. You can change – if you want to.
Just because you grew up with a certain money mindset does not mean you are stuck with it. You can change your money mindset and personal finances the same way you formed it. You can do it intentionally by governing and conditioning the thoughts and habits that govern the way you acquire wealth; how you save money, invest it and use it.Show More
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Monetize Your Mindset is not a “how to” book – it is a “how to think” book.
Actually it is a how to see book; how to see opportunities all around you that others miss.
What makes the difference between becoming financially secure or constantly living on the brink of financial despair – where a major medical issue or even a simple car problem can push you over the edge?
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Your money mindset. The way you think about money and the opportunities that bring money your way.
Did you know that practically anyone can develop a monetized mindset and succeed as an entrepreneur – even if you keep your day job? In fact, everyone who wants to be financially secure, could be and should be financially secure.
Tools and technology that were once out of reach of the average individual are now easily accessible. Systems that once cost thousands of dollars are now essentially free. Marketing and promotion concepts that were impossible just a few years ago are now doable. Anyone can build multiple streams of income that supplement or even replace a “real job”. “Anyone” means you, provided you have the right mindset.
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