MYM #42 Lindsey Leigh Hobson – Stick it! Empowering a Million Young Adults to Break the Mold!
It is just unfair for Australians to have an accent like this. This is my first international interview and it was a total delight to talk with Lindsey about Stick it and what she does to help young adults.
She tells her story about contemplating suicide at age 16 – why she thought about it and why she didn’t do.
We talk about risk and anxiety. We talk about putting yourself out there, even if it isn’t perfect. Lindsey so wise at such a young age. I wish I would have been that wise when I was her age. I am sure you will enjoy this episode!
Check it out!
Show Notes and Key Takeaways
- Get around like minded people. It is so important to surround yourself with people that propel you forward and not drag you down.
- Lead those who you can relate to, those that you can serve.
- If you just preach at people nobody will follow. You have to get vulnerable and share about you.
- Learn from the situations that you find yourself in. If you weren’t prepared this time learn from that and get prepared for the next time.
- Put yourself out there. Just do it and see what happens. The other choice is to quit.
- Everybody has fear and that is good thing, how you react is what is important.
- If you wait for the perfect time, the perfect place, if you wait for everything to be perfect you will be waiting all your life.